Common Questions

The following are common questions people may have about SoulBonding.

Whats with the caps/no caps?
This is just a matter of personal preference. The actual term that was coined in 1998 is "SoulBonding" with the caps. Some people may prefer to write it "soulbonding" or "Soulbonding". Just like most people seem to shorten it to "SBing" or even "sbing". Some people just call it "bonding".

What is the difference between a soulbond and a fictive?
This depends on who you ask. Some people view them as different, others view them as the same. The term "fictive" actually started in soulbonding circles, because some members wanted something other than soulbond to explain their experiences. Soulbonds may be thought of as fictives and fictives may be thought of as soulbonds. It really depends on the person..

What's the difference between soulbonding and being kin with someone?
If you are a physical person, being kin of someone means that you ARE that person, or perhaps were that person. That character is who you are/were. A soulbond is a separate person. You are not them, and you have never been them. When you are kin of someone, you do not feel them with you, you do not talk to them or hear them talk to you, because they ARE you. A soulbond you might feel around you, or hold personal conversations with.

If you are a nonphysical person, being kin of someone means that you weren't born as them, but you identify as them. If you are Soulbond of a character, you were born as that character.

How/why does soulbonding happen?
No one can tell you this. Its just something that happens to some people, after they develop a special connection to a character. Everyone has the potential to soulbond, but many don't. Either because they just refuse to believe in anything they can't see or touch, they can't figure out how to do it, or they just don't have the time to go about forming that kind of connection.

What is a headspace?
A headspace is basically an inner world. Though, this depends on the system in question. This can also be called a soulscape, mindscape, or wonderland. Its essentially a place that exists within you, where soulbonds may live or just come together. Not all soulbonders have an inner world, and not all that do consider it to be within them. Some consider it to exist somewhere else, like in some other plane.

Can you soulbond on purpose?
You most certainly can. Thats not to say that every single soulbonder did it on purpose, but it is possible to do it on purpose. A lot of people simply have soulbonds show up on their own, but a lot of people purposely set out to deliberately bond to certain characters. A lot of soulbonders feel that doing it on purpose is wrong, as its rude to just snatch a character out of their life and force them to bond to you. This depends on the character and how you go about doing it. But yes, some people can do it on purpose.

Do you hear voices?
This depends on what you mean by "hear voices". If you mean auditory hallucinations, then no, soulbonders do not hear voices. We hear thoughts in our minds, the same as everyone else. Sometimes they will sound exactly like our own inner thoughts. Most of us just rely on intuition to know if it was actually a soulbond speaking.

Does everyone hear words from their soulbonds?
Some do, some don't. Some soulbonds communicate with actual words, others communicate via images and flashes of emotions, and some of them use both words and emotions.

How do you know for sure you're actually communicating with them?
Its different for everyone. It can be hard to tell, especially if the soulbond in question doesn't actually use words to communicate. Most people just rely on a feeling. Just a feeling inside that their soulbond is talking to them.

I can't hear/see my soulbonds clearly. Is something wrong?
No, nothing is wrong. Soulbonding is different for everyone. As stated above, not all soulbonds communicate with words, some use images and emotions. Not all soulbonders are good at visualizing things. For many soulbonders, they experience their soulbonds as an empty spot or grey area in their mind. Just a feeling that the character is with them. If you want to learn how to hear/see them more clearly, it takes practice. But just because you can't hear/see them clearly, does not mean anything is wrong.

Is it the same as schizophrenia/DID or some other mental illness?
No. In fact, quite a few soulbonders (including the admins of this site) have spoken to their doctors and therapists about soulbonding, and it is not something thats seen as a disorder of any kind. A disorder causes disorder. I know, who would have thought, right? If something is a disorder, it makes it difficult for you to function in your daily life. It causes you problems and hardships. Some disorders can be treated with medication, but they require medication. Soulbonding does not cause disorder, it does not require medication, and its not seen as a problem by mental health professionals.

Isn't this just roleplay?
No, its not. People who just roleplay their soulbonds, are not actual soulbonders. There was a term, years ago, called soulpuppetry. Soulpuppetry is when you have your hand shoved up their ass, making them do and say whatever you want. When they are essentually a puppet. Soulbonding is when they speak and act of their own accord.

A lot of people worry about whether they're faking or just roleplaying, and if you need to worry about it, you're likely not faking. A person is consciously aware that they are roleplaying. No one has to stop and wonder if they are, they know they are. If you actually have to wonder, then the chance that you're roleplaying is very, very slim.

Is there a limit to how many soulbonds one person can have?
There is not. Some people only have 1 or 2, some can have 20 or more. Theres really no limit.

Can soulbonds do things in the physical world with your body without your knowing it? With your knowing it?
Yes, this is called fronting. Some Soulbonds are capable of having bodily control, either with your consent or without it. Though, its kind of rude to take over without consent. Some can also co-front, which is sharing control with you.

So... where do soulbonds come from?
This depends on the individual. You will get different answers from different soulbonders. Some believe their soulbonds are simply products of their own minds, or aspects of their own personality. Some believe that wandering spirits can take the forms of various fictional characters. And some believe that their soulbonds really are those characters, and they have come to them or connected to them from alternate universes.

Can two people have soulbonds of the same characters?
They most certainly can. A lot of soulbonding is based on the idea of the multiverse, that there are an infinate number of universes out there, including fictional ones. And each of those universes, has countless alternate versions.

One person may have a soulbond of a character, who is exactly like the character that we know here. While another person may have a soulbond of the same character, whos life followed an entirely different path. A lot of people have soulbonds of the same characters, but each one of those soulbonds will be different from each other.

Can soulbonds die?
Some seem to, yes. Soulbonds can fade away due to neglect, though more often than not they are found to still be there once the connection is reestablished. For some people, their soulbonds actually can die, and then they will be gone forever. Some soulbonds are already dead and their spirits reside with their soulbonder.